Murals have always been something I enjoy dreaming up and designing. Adding to my hometown's street art over the years has been incredibly fulfilling - especially when done alongside people I love.
Below you'll see several murals I've had the honor of being a part of. For some, I worked as a one-woman-show from design to production. Others, I collaborated with a team of talented and dedicated people to bring our dream of adding to Louisville's growing street art collection to life.
Murals have taught me a great deal about designing for large-scale, public spaces. From fundraising, applying for permits and traffic plans, to working with large-scale muralists or simply painting it myself, I know what it takes to turn an idea into a permanent piece of public art.
+ Illustration
+ Project Management
+ Fundraising
+ Permits & Planning
Collection of Murals —
The Kentucky Mural
The Kentucky Mural is located on 642 S Fourth Street, Louisville Kentucky. The purpose of this mural is to celebrate and put a spotlight on some of Kentucky's historic roots, people, and inventions. Kentucky is much more than bourbon and horse racing, and this piece celebrates that.
This mural was completed while at Fieldtrip and includes custom artwork from myself, Amy Chea, Fraser Ward, Nathan Weaver, and Andrew Spalding. The painting itself was completed by the amazing crew at Slugger City Signs.
I assisted with the overall concept development as well as the creation of select illustrations such as the birthday cake and the canoe man. While this passion project was truly a team effort, I took on a lot of the responsibilities when it came to logistics - fundraising, applying for permits, hiring muralists, and getting approval from the city.
The NEATO Mural was completed while at Fieldtrip. This mural was part of a volunteer initiative with Resurfaced - an organization dedicated to bringing life and community into abandoned and/or non-utilized areas around the city.
I designed the mural and painted it with the help from my coworkers.
Flourish Mural
The Flourish mural was a passion project of mine completed while at Fieldtrip. We partnered with Louisville Visual Art to produce. It now lives on the exterior of the LVA office in Louisville's Portland neighborhood.